A: Mean (±SD) values for the experimentally measured plasma fatty acids 2H5-18:3n−3, 2H5-20:5n−3, 2H5-22:5n−3, and 2H5-22:6n−3 from 11 newborn infants who received an oral dose of 2H5-18:3n−3 (20 mg 2H5-18:3n−3/kg) ethyl ester. Time-course curves are model-determined best fits to the data by the modeling procedure developed from WinSAAM software (version 3.0.7; http://www.winsaam.com). B: Mean (±SD) values for the experimentally determined plasma fatty acids 13C-20:5n−3, 13C-22:5n−3, and 13C-22:6n−3 from 11 newborn infants who received an oral dose of 13C-20:5n−3 (2 mg 13C-20:5n−3/kg) ethyl ester. Time-course curves are model-determined best fits to the data.