Fig. 3.
Effects of nanoinjection of Bic in the VLM or the NTS on BAT thermogenic responses evoked by disinhibition of dorsomedial hypothalamus (DMH) neurons. A: nanoinjection of Bic into DMH increased BAT SNA (peak: +4,799% of control), BAT Temp, Exp CO2, HR, renal SNA (RSNA) (peak: +65% of control), and MAP. Bilateral nanoinjections of Bic into VLM (L and R) reversed the increases in BAT SNA (to 159% of pre-Bic in DMH control), BAT Temp, and Exp CO2, and produced increases in RSNA (to 254% of pre-Bic in DMH control) and MAP, but did not affect the HR increase. B: Nanoinjection of Bic into DMH evoked increases in BAT SNA (peak: +9,622% of control), BAT Temp, Exp CO2, HR, RNSA (peak: +65% of control), and MAP. Bilateral nanoinjections of Bic into the NTS reversed the increases in BAT SNA (to 126% of pre-Bic in DMH control) and those in BAT Temp, Exp CO2, HR, RSNA (to 102% of pre-Bic in DMH control), and MAP.