Fig. 4.
Effects of nanoinjections of Bic into the VLM or into the intermediate NTS on BAT thermogenesis evoked by disinhibition of neurons in the rostral raphe pallidus (rRPa). A: nanoinjection of Bic into rRPa increased BAT SNA (peak: +5,186% of control), BAT Temp, Exp CO2, HR, and MAP. Bilateral nanoinjections of Bic into VLM (L and R) reversed the increases in BAT SNA (to 61% of pre-Bic in rRPa control), BAT Temp, and Exp CO2, while increasing MAP. HR was transiently reduced after the nanoinjection of Bic into the L VLM, but this was reversed following R VLM nanoinjection of Bic. B: nanoinjection of Bic into rRPa increased BAT SNA (peak: +8,457% of control), BAT Temp, Exp CO2, MAP, and HR. Bilateral nanoinjections of Bic into NTS (L nanoinjection was repeated in this example) reduced BAT SNA (to 121% of pre-Bic in rRPa control), BAT Temp, Exp CO2, HR, and MAP.