Fig. 8.
Histological localization of nanoinjection sites in NTS, VLM, RPa, DMH, and MPO. Left panels: histological sections with dye deposits (arrows) marking typical nanoinjection sites in the medial NTS (A), the VLM (B), the rRPa (C), the DMH (D), and the MPO (E). Right panels: solid circles indicate the centers of nanoinjection sites plotted on atlas drawings (adapted from Ref. 43). A: right-side muscimol or Bic nanoinjection sites made into the medial NTS in 9 rats at atlas level bregma −13.68 mm. B: right-side muscimol or Bic nanoinjection sites made into the VLM of 16 rats at atlas level bregma −11.80 mm. C: centers of the muscimol or Bic nanoinjections made into the rRPa of 6 rats plotted on a drawing of the brainstem at bregma −11.30 mm. D: Bic nanoinjection sites made into the right DMH of 7 rats at atlas level bregma −3.30 mm. E: PGE2 nanoinjection sites made into the right MPO of 5 rats at atlas level bregma −0.26 mm. Amb, nucleus ambiguus; DA, DMH area; f, fornix; IO, inferior olivary nucleus; LPO, lateral preoptic area; ME, median eminence; MnPO, median preoptic nucleus; mt, mamillothalamic tract; PrH, nucleus prepositus hypoglossal; RMg, nucleus raphe magnus; Sol, nucleus of the solitary tract; VMH, ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus; 3V, third ventricle; 4V, fourth ventricle; 7, facial motor nucleus.