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. 2010 May 12;104(1):313–321. doi: 10.1152/jn.00027.2010

Table 3.

MNI coordinates and reward

Coordinates, mm
Region Nearest Brodmann Areas x y z Z No. of Voxels P
Contrast: reward × choice to grip > choice to hold
    Inferior temporal gyrus 37 −51 −58 −5 4.07 10 0.0001 (unc.)
    Supplementary motor area 6 −3 −19 +55 3.61 8 0.0001 (unc.)
Contrast: Reward × GripHE
    Nucleus accumbens N/A 0 +11 −11 2.84 5 0.002 (unc.)

MNI coordinates of regions the activity of which is correlated with reward (thresholded at P = 0.001, uncorrected > 5 voxels except for the last contrast; thresholded at P = 0.005, uncorrected > 5 voxels). unc, uncorrected.