Bisulfite sequencing results of hTERT regulatory regions. (A) Schematic overview of the four regions analyzed: S1: -442 to -219, S2:-208 to +104, S3: +88 to +348, and S4:+319 to +566. Numbers refer to the respective CpG dinucleotides and their position relative to the ATG. The positions of transcription factor binding sites, if containing CpG dinucleotides, are shown at the top by the black lines (or grey lines when located directly next to each other). Regions analyzed by qMSP (M1 and M2) are indicated by dotted lines. (B) CpG methylation results of individual cloned PCR products of cultured cells (EK cells, FK16A cells, and SiHa cells). (C) CpG methylation results of individual cloned PCR products of clinical specimens (cervical scraping classified as normal (Pap1), borderline mild dyskaryosis (BMD, Pap2/3a1), moderate dyskaryosis (Pap3a2), and a cervical squamous cell carcinoma (SCC)). Of all samples ten representative clones are shown. Unmethylated CpGs are indicated by grey squares and methylated CpGs are indicated by black squares.