Overexpression of Pax6a or Pax6b results in differentiation to NE and trophectoderm, respectively. A, B, Overexpression of Pax6a or Pax6b in hESCs for 3 days causes Oct4 and Nanog downregulation. C, 5 days after lentiviral infection, Pax6+/Oct4− cells start to aggregate. Pax6b cells are present primarily outside of the hESC colony. D, 8 days after infection, Pax6a+ cells form columnar NE and organize into rosettes whereas Pax6b+ cells stay outside of the hESC colony and possess kidney- or horseshoe-shape nuclei. Insets show the different nuclear morphology of Pax6a+ and Pax6b+ cells. Scale bars, 50 μm.