Figure 3. Effects of odor-baited mosquito traps on malaria transmission in situations with moderate ITN coverage.
This figure depicts areas where: A; the primary vector is Anopheles gambiae sensu stricto and the trap locations are not spatially targeted, B; the primary vector is Anopheles arabiensis and the trap locations are not spatially targeted, C; the vector is Anopheles gambiae sensu stricto and the trap locations are spatially targeted to satisfy the 80–20 statistical distribution and D) where the vector is Anopheles arabiensis and trap locations are targeted to satisfy the 80–20 statistical distribution [63]. The dotted lines extrapolate the number of traps per 1000 people that would be required to achieve protection equivalent to ITNs if the traps are used alone. All simulated traps are baited with long-range odors that attract 4 times as many malaria mosquitoes as humans [41].