Currents were elicited by 5 s depolarizing pulses ranging from −60 mV to +40 mV, peak tail currents were measured during a 3 s pulse to −120 mV, and plotted as a function of the prepulse potential; the holding potential was − 80mV. Inset, voltage protocol. Dofetilide sensitive currents are represented. (A) WT HERG, (B) HERGG601S, (C) F805C, or (D) G628S co-expressed with either carrier cDNA (EGFP) or with KCNQ1. G601S, n = 12; G601S + KCNQ1, n = 12; F805C, n = 15, F805C + KCNQ1, n = 15; G628S, n = 5, G628S + KCNQ1, n = 4. *, P ≤ 0.05 by one-way ANOVA versus HERGG601S or HERGF805C.