Fig. 1.
Expression profiles of HHP1 at different growth stages and in different organs or tissues in transgenic HHP1::GUS Arabidopsis mutants as demonstrated by histochemical analyses of GUS. Histochemical GUS activity was examined in buds (A), flowers (B), and siliques (C) during reproductive growth (stages 6 and 8), and in individual organs or tissues of the plant (D) or parafilm sections of rosette leaves and reproductive organs (E). (A–C) GUS expression in the intact bud cluster (Aa) and its dissected parts (Ab–d), in the whole flower cluster (Ba) and its dissected sepal (Bc), petal (Bd), stamen (Be), pistil (Bf), and intact pistil (Bg), or in the intact silique before (Ca), during (Cd), or after (Ce) seed scattering and in the dissected parts before seed scattering (Cb, c). The intensity of GUS activity in the buds or flowers is summarized in two simple diagrams (Bh, i). The GUS staining patterns shown are representative of those for eight independent homozygous transgenic HHP1::GUS T3 lines. The arrowheads and arrows indicate hydathodes and vasculature, respectively. Scale bars correspond to 1 mm, except in Ab–d, Be, f, and Dh, where they correspond to 0.5 mm. Abbreviations: AZ, adhesion zone; c, carpel; pe, petal; pi, pistil; r, replum; RI, lateral root initiation site; s, seed; se, sepal; sp, septum; st, stamen; v, valve; vb, vascular bundle.