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. 2010 Jun 17;10:43. doi: 10.1186/1471-2431-10-43

Table 4.

Proportion of infants consuming different types of complementary foods at each month of age

Type of complementary food Proportion (%)1 by age (months)
3 (n = 110) 4 (n = 252) 5 (n = 305) 6 (n = 396) 7 (n = 320) 8 (n = 335) 9 (n = 298) 10 (n = 331) 11/12 (n = 269)
Infant cereal - All single-grain2 83 a 83a 89a 81a 73b 74b 57c 50c 40c
 - Rice 72a 74a 71a 57a 45b 46b 37c 30c 27c
 - Mixed 9c 16c 23c 44b 59a 61a 62a 56a 47b
 - Barley 12b 13b 17a 20a 13b 11b 9b 6c 3c
 - Oatmeal 14c 19c 33b 38a 37a 35a 29b 23c 18c
 - Single-grain with fruit 2c 3c 10c 15b 16b 25a 19b 22a 15b
 - Mixed-grain with fruit 1c 3c 7c 15c 28a 35a 37a 34a 26b
Toddler foods 1c 2c 0c 1c 1c 3b 5b 6b 13a
Fruit 25c 35c 47c 76b 93a 94a 96a 95a 91a
Vegetables 26c 33c 61c 88a 92a 92a 90a 90a 90a
Meat3 3c 6c 3c 15c 23c 33b 44a 47a 62a
Poultry4 4c 3c 6c 17c 28b 35a 41a 47a 53a
Fish 1c 0c 1c 1c 4c 6b 12a 16a 22a
Dairy5 12c 6c 7c 16c 27c 40b 56a 70a 76a
Beverages6 10c 12c 9c 16c 24c 34b 39a 51a 62a
Desserts7 5c 4c 8c 21c 38b 48a 50a 61a 65a
Breads/grains8 5c 4c 3c 12c 25c 44a 57a 69a 82a
Combination dishes or casseroles9 5c 3c 6c 19c 39b 53a 60a 72a 72a

aValues in each row with different superscript letters are significantly different (P < 0.05)

1 Percentage of records with at least one item from respective food category

2 Rice, oatmeal, and barley cereals

3 Beef, lamb, ham, pork, veal, and hamburger

4 Chicken and turkey products

5 Eggs, soy- and cow-based milk products; Does not include breast milk or formula

6 Juice, water, and other drinks

7 Pudding, Jello, cookies, candy, apple sauce

8 Pasta, rice, muffins, bread, regular cereals (e.g. Cheerios)

9 Pasta, rice, and/or vegetables with meat, poultry, or fish; mixed vegetables; mixed meat/poultry/fish; macaroni and cheese