FIG. 4.
Allethrin differentially modulates VGCC subtypes. PC12 cells were either pretreated with 1μM ω-conotoxin GVIA (GVIA) immediately before electrophysiological recording or continuously perfused with 5μM NIM during recording. (A) Blocking N-type VGCCs with GVIA reduces PC12 VGCC current by 70% relative to control recordings obtained on the same day. The scale in (A) applies to (B). The horizontal bar = 20 ms and the vertical bar = 200 pA. (B) Blocking L-type VGCCs with NIM reduces PC12 VGCC current by 20% compared with matched control recordings obtained before addition of NIM. (C) Exposure of GVIA-treated cells to 5μM AL appears to increase peak, end, and tail VGCC currents. The scale in (C) applies to (D). The horizontal bar = 10 ms and the vertical bar = 100 pA. (D) Simultaneous exposure of cells to NIM and 5μM AL appears to reduce peak and end current.