Algorithm 2 DFSP diffusion step with splitting
INPUT:nk, τD, TransitionMatrixn, StateListn, ErrorTolerancen
OUTPUT: Output State |
1: initialize once: PDVLookupTable, nmax←∞, L←0 |
2: ifnk>=nmaxthen
3: return Output State←DFSP_Diffusion(⌊nk∕2⌋,L+1) +DFSP_Diffusion(⌈nk∕2⌉,L+1) |
4: else
5: ifPDVLookupTable contains nkthen
6: PDV←PDVLookupTable[nk] |
7: else
8: PDV←exp(TransitionMatrixnk×D∕ℓ2×τD)×[1,0,0,⋯,0]T
9: ifPDV[end]>ErrorTolerance∕2Lthen
10: nmax←nk
11: return Output State←DFSP_Diffusion(⌊nk∕2⌋) +DFSP_Diffusion(⌈nk∕2⌉) |
12: end if
13: PDVLookupTable[nk]←PDV
14: end if
15: Generate a random number X∊U(0,1) |
16: Find the smallest integer μ such that
17: return Output State←StateListnk[μ] |
18: end if