Figure 3.
(A) Fraction of receptor in the activated state as the concentration of an inhibitory ligand increases. The ligand-binding parameters used in this homogenous two-state model are those estimated for the binding of an inhibitory attractant (α-methyl aspartate) to the aspartate receptor (KD1 = 4 μM, KD2 = 150 μM; see the text), while the K12 value was varied as indicated. The fraction of receptor in the activated state (F2) was calculated using the homogeneous two-state model as described by equation (4). (B) The experimentally determined effects of increasing concentration of ligand on the kinase activities of signaling complexes containing the QEEE, QEQE (wild-type), QQEQ, and QQQQ receptor modification states, determined using the in vitro receptor-coupled kinase assay under standard conditions (see the text).13 The measured kinase activities are directly proportional to the fractional occupancy of receptor in the activated state (F2). For each modified receptor, the CheA kinase activity was measured at different concentrations of α-methyl aspartate. The resulting CheA kinase activities versus [attractant] data were then fit to a multisite Hill model (equation (11)). Each point is the average of at least three independent measurements. All indicated kinase activities are relative to that of the wild-type receptor (QEQE) in the absence of attractant, which is assigned a kinase activity of unity.