c-Jun is shown to be involved in the element-binding complex. (A) The c-jun antibody blocks the binding to the novel element. 1.6 μg of the indicated antibodies were incubated with nuclear extract (5 μg) on ice for one hour, followed by incubation with radiolabled WT element at room temperature for 30 min. NP, no protein; NA, no antibody; C, specific shifted complex; U, unshifted double stranded DNA. (B) EMSA competition assay. 200-fold excess of unlabeled DNA, including AP-1, NF-jun, element wild type (WT) and mutant (MT) (Table 1), were added to EMSA. Also shown are results from EMSA using radiolabeled AP-1 (*AP-1) and NF-jun (*NF-jun) are shown to the right. NC, no competitor.