Figure 3. Time course of differentiation with P19T1A2 cells.
A. Map2 (green) staining of P19T1A2 cells treated ± Dox at 0.5 μg/ml for the indicated days. Nuclei were visualized with DAPI and appear blue. In the absence of Dox, no Map2-positive cells were observed. In the presence of Dox, Map2-positive cells became evident after three days of treatment with Dox. Cells expressing Map2 underwent neuritogenesis by day five, and by day eight, the somas of Map2-positive cells began to cluster together, while the neurites became elongated and better defined. Scale bar = 100 μm. B. Western blot for expression of Map2 and Ascl1 protein during the time course of differentiation of P19T1A2 cells. C. Western blot for expression of cleaved PARP protein in P19T1A2 cells.