WSP-1 is localized at the presynaptic terminal in neuronal cells, and wsp-1 mutants exhibit normal synaptogenesis. A, representative image of the ventral cord of wild-type animals containing the tqEx42 transgene mounted on agarose pads in 2 mm levamisole and viewed with an Olympus BX61 confocal microscope. WSP-1-GFP localization is in the ventral nerve cord. B, RAB-3::mCherry localization in the same worm. C, localization of both GFP and mCherry fusion proteins shows that WSP-1 resides immediately adjacent to RAB-3 containing puncta. D and E, wsp-1(gm324) display normal synaptogenesis. For visualizing the synaptic specializations of wsp-1 mutant, we used the expression of SNG-1-GFP in wild-type (E) and wsp-1(gm324) (D) nematodes. The wsp-1 mutant carrying the SNG-1-GFP marker has the similar synapses pattern compared with the wild-type worm carrying the SNG-GFP marker.