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. 2010 Jul 5;11:147. doi: 10.1186/1471-2474-11-147

Table 1.

Gene and protein expression in HU mice and recovery versus control.

mRNA Vs. control HU7 HU14 HU14+R14 expressed in
AP growth plate chondrocytes, osteogenic, bone marrow cells

OC = = growth plate chondrocytes, osteogenic, bone marrow cells

MT1-MMP = growth plate chondrocytes, osteogenic, bone marrow cells

MMP9 = = growth plate chondrocytes, osteogenic, bone marrow cells, macrophages

BMP1 = (ns) = growth plate chondrocytes, osteogenic, bone marrow cells

PCOLCEs = = (↓distal bone marrow) growth plate chondrocytes, osteogenic, bone marrow cells

CXCR4 = (ns) = osteogenic, bone marrow cells

Protein vs. control HU7 HU14 HU14+R14 expressed in

OC ND = growth plate chondrocytes, osteogenic, bone marrow cells

BSP = (↓osteoblasts) ND osteogenic, bone marrow cells

RECK = ND osteogenic cells

BMP1 = (ns) = growth plate chondrocytes, osteogenic, bone marrow cells

Stro1 = ND osteogenic, bone marrow cells

CXCL12 ND = (only osteoblasts) bone marrow cells

Arrows pointing upwards indicate increase, pointing down indicate decrease of expression related to the corresponding control; = stays for equal to control. ND, not done; ns, not shown in the corresponding figure.