Fig. 5.
Segmentation resulting from the GOALIE analysis of a transcriptional profiling dataset evaluating the exposure of S. cerevisiae (BY8743) to HP (0.2 mM) and MD (2 mM). The time line of the experiment is shown; each hash mark indicates a sampling point, and the duration of the treatment is above the time line. GOALIE accurately assigned Segments I, II, and IV of the peroxide dataset to the times when the cells are predominantly in G1, S, and G2/M phases of the cell cycle, respectively. Segment III putatively represents the combined transition between phases of the cell cycle as well as the release from oxidative stress. Note the prevalence of genes associated with core metabolic processes including sulfur metabolism. GOALIE analysis of the MD treatment again resulted in the assignment of the cell cycle stages (I–III) as well as the G1 arrest.