Assess Clinical Risk Factors |
Laboratory Work-up | Radiology | Consideration of the Following Tests |
Obesitya | AST, ALT Albuminb | Chest x-ray to rule out | Serology testing for: hepatitis B, C |
Diabetes mellitusa | CBC | interstitial lung disease d | HIV |
Alcohol intake | Creatininec | Pregnancy test Lipid profilea | |
Blood fasting glucosea |
Adapted from a recently published multinational evidence-based recommendations for the use of methotrexate in rheumatic disorders (33).
Associated with hepatotoxicity in the context of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and the risk of preexisting liver fibrosis.
Low albumin is associated with thrombocytopenia, liver and pulmonary toxicity.
Creatinine clearance <79 mL/min reduces methotrexate clearance and is associated with more severe toxicity.
Obtained within the previous year before start of methotrexate therapy.