Figure 2.
(A–F) Lrrk2 immunoreactivity through the rostrocaudal extent of the monkey basal ganglia and thalamus. Scale bar in A–F: 1mm. Abbreviations: AC = anterior commissure; Acc = nucleus accumbens; CC = corpus callosum; CD = caudate nucleus; CM = centromedian thalamic nucleus; GPe = external segment of globus pallidus; GPi = internal segment of globus pallidus; IC = internal capsule; LGN = lateral geniculate nucleus; MD = mediodorsal nucleus; OT = olfactory tubercle; PUT = putamen; SNc = substantia nigra pars compacta; SNr = substantia nigra pars reticulata; STN = subthalamic nucleus; VL = ventrolateral nucleus; VP = ventroposterior nucleus; VTA = ventral tegmental area.