(A) Isolated wild-type or βarr2-KO cardiomyocytes were field-stimulated at 0.5 Hz basally or following treatment with Ang II (10μM), Trog (50 or 100μM), Val (10μM) or ISO (1μM). Histograms summarize % (upper) and rate (lower) of cardiomyocyte shortening. †P<0.001 versus cells with no pharmacological treatment, n ≥ 3 individual hearts. (B) Comparison of the % change in contractility, relative to cells with no pharmacological treatment, in response to Ang II (10μM) or Trog (50 or 100μM) in wild-type versus βarr2-KO cardiomyocytes. *P<0.05 versus wild-type within corresponding treatment group.