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. 2010 Jul 21;102(14):1040–1051. doi: 10.1093/jnci/djq233

Table 1.

Description of women's characteristics by self-reported history of breast biopsy or aspiration at the time of 2 007 381 Breast Cancer Surveillance Consortium (BCSC) screening mammograms*

No history of breast biopsy or aspiration (n = 1 714 281)
Self-reported history of breast biopsy or aspiration (n = 293 100)
Total screening examinations (n = 2 007 381)
Women and mammogram characteristics n (%) n (%) n (%)
Age group, y
    40–44 263 154 (15.4) 23 352 (8.0) 286 506 (14.3)
    45–49 284 425 (16.6) 37 293 (12.7) 321 718 (16.0)
    50–54 299 837 (17.5) 49 928 (17.0) 349 765 (17.4)
    55–59 236 287 (13.8) 47 751 (16.3) 284 038 (14.1)
    60–64 181 755 (10.6) 39 225 (13.4) 220 980 (11.0)
    65–69 154 151 (9.0) 33 588 (11.5) 187 739 (9.4)
    70–74 130 877 (7.6) 28 332 (9.7) 159 209 (7.9)
    75–89 163 795 (9.6) 33 631 (11.5) 197 426 (9.8)
    Almost entirely fat 155 682 (9.1) 16 823 (5.7) 172 505 (8.6)
    Scattered fibroglandular 797 857 (46.5) 119 337 (40.7) 917 194 (45.7)
    Heterogeneously dense 642 462 (37.5) 128 957 (44.0) 771 419 (38.4)
    Extremely dense 118 280 (6.9) 27 983 (9.6) 146 263 (7.3)
Months since last mammogram
    No mammogram within past 59 months 171 446 (10.0) 10 566 (3.6) 182 012 (9.1)
    9–11 25 717 (1.5) 6240 (2.1) 31 957 (1.6)
    12–35 1 392 465 (81.2) 262 104 (89.4) 1 654 569 (82.4)
    36–59 124 653 (7.3) 14 190 (4.8) 138 843 (6.9)
Comparison film
    No 255 550 (14.9) 28 472 (9.7) 284 022 (14.1)
    Yes 1 458 731 (85.1) 264 628 (90.3) 1 723 359 (85.9)
Initial BI-RADS assessment
    1 (Normal) 1 255 593 (73.2) 182 938 (62.4) 1 438 531 (71.7)
    2 (Benign finding) 291 913 (17.0) 74 147 (25.3) 366 060 (18.2)
    3 (Probably benign finding) 21 833 (1.3) 4023 (1.4) 25 856 (1.3)
    3+ (Probably benign finding with immediate work-up) 6891 (0.4) 1359 (0.5) 8250 (0.4)
    0 (Needs additional imaging) 132 453 (7.7) 29 351 (10.0) 161 804 (8.1)
    4 (Suspicious abnormality) 4963 (0.3) 1178 (0.4) 6141 (0.3)
    5 (Highly suggestive of malignancy) 635 (0.0) 104 (0.0) 739 (0.0)
Year of mammogram
    1996–1997 191 773 (11.2) 31 340 (10.7) 223 113 (11.1)
    1998–1999 339 844 (19.8) 49 158 (16.8) 389 002 (19.4)
    2000–2001 431 586 (25.2) 65 160 (22.2) 496 746 (24.7)
    2002–2003 469 288 (27.4) 90 769 (31.0) 560 057 (27.9)
    2004–2005 281 790 (16.4) 56 673 (19.3) 338 463§ (16.9)

Frequency distributions for each woman and mammogram characteristics computed for screening mammograms without a self-reported biopsy history or with a self-reported biopsy history and for the total of both. BI-RADS = Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System.

All distributions differ statistically significantly between women with and without a biopsy history; P < .001, based on χ2 test (two-sided).

We separated the BI-RADS category 3 interpretations into those without and with a recommendation for additional evaluation (BI-RADS 3 and 3+, respectively).


The drop in number of screening examinations was because of a loss of data from a site that left the BCSC.