Fig.3. DEP down-regulated the protein levels of ZO-1.
(A) HAEC cells were grown to confluence in 6-well plate. The cells were then treated with or without 50ug/ml of DEP1 and DEP2 for 4 hours. Cell lysate was prepared and ZO-1 and Occludin protein levels were assessed by western blotting. β-Tubulin blot was performed as loading control and density scan data were used to calculate the relative ratios of ZO-1/Tubulin and Occludin/tubulin. Shown is a representative blot of three independent experiments. (B) The ratio of ZO-1/ β-Tubulin from three independent experiments were calculated based on density scan data and plotted (* vs. control, n=3, p<0.01). (C) HAEC cells were treated with or without DEP2 at 25ug/ml or 50ug/ml for 4 hours. RNA’s were isolated and ZO-1 mRNA expression was measured by quantitative RT-PCR. The level was normalized to GAPDH. DEP did not significantly change the ZO-1 mRNA levels. (C= Control)