Table 3.
GO Slim | GO Term Description | Number of Genes with GO ID | Bonferroni Corrected P Value |
GO:0000004 BP | Unknown Function | 49 | 0 |
GO:0006809 BP | Nitric Oxide Biosynthesis | 4 | 0.0006102 |
GO:0010025 BP | Wax Biosynthesis | 5 | 0.00736524 |
GO:0019953 BP | Sexual Reproduction | 5 | 0.01223184 |
GO:0008940 MF | Nitrate Reductase | 4 | 0.00006192 |
GO:0008382 MF | Iron Superoxide Dismutase | 3 | 0.01245882 |
GO Slim ID's statistically over or under represented in the list of differentially expressed genes comparing Clark plants grown in iron sufficient and iron limiting hydroponics conditions in comparison to their presence on the Affymetrix® GeneChip®. The GO Slim Column provides the GO Slim ID number and corresponding category. GO Slim categories are Biological Process (BP), Molecular Function (MF), and Cellular Component (CC). The GO Term Description column contains the best description for the GO Slim ID. The number of genes with GO ID column is the number of genes differentially expressed between IsoClark plants grown in iron sufficient and iron deficient hydroponics solutions with the corresponding GO Slim ID. The Bonferroni Corrected P-value is the statistical significance of the GO Slim ID. Only GO Slim IDs with P-values equal to or less than 0.5 were considered statistically over or under represented in the list of differentially expressed genes in comparison to the presence of the GO Slim ID on the GeneChip®.