Appendix Table 1A.
The Impact of Soft Drink Taxes on BMI, Obese, and Overweight, Without Time Trends
Obese |
Obese |
Overweight |
Overweight |
Total Soft Drink Tax Rate | −0.0030*** [0.0006] |
−0.0001 [0.0001] |
−0.0001 [0.0001] |
Incremental Soft Drink Tax Rate | −0.0025*** [0.0006] |
−0.0001 [0.0000] |
−0.0001* [0.0001] |
Male | 0.572*** [0.045] |
0.572*** [0.045] |
−0.013*** [0.003] |
−0.013*** [0.003] |
0.135*** [0.004] |
0.135*** [0.004] |
Age | 0.309*** [0.004] |
0.309*** [0.004] |
0.016*** [0.000] |
0.016*** [0.000] |
0.027*** [0.000] |
0.027*** [0.000] |
Age Squared | −0.003*** [0.000] |
−0.003*** [0.000] |
−0.000*** [0.000] |
−0.000*** [0.000] |
−0.000*** [0.000] |
−0.000*** [0.000] |
Black | 1.851*** [0.058] |
1.851*** [0.058] |
0.113*** [0.004] |
0.113*** [0.004] |
0.139*** [0.004] |
0.139*** [0.004] |
Hispanic |
1.088*** [0.154] |
1.088*** [0.154] |
0.058*** [0.010] |
0.058*** [0.010] |
0.107*** [0.015] |
0.107*** [0.015] |
Observations | 2709422 | 2709422 | 2709422 | 2709422 | 2709422 | 2709422 |
R-squared | 0.08 | 0.08 | 0.04 | 0.04 | 0.08 | 0.08 |
Notes: Heteroskedasticity-robust standards errors in parentheses that allow for clustering within states. Additional variables include state, year, and quarter fixed effects. Observations are weighted using the BRFSS survey weights in all regressions.
significant at 10%
** significant at 5%
significant at 1%