Effects of neuropharmacological disconnection of the Amy and AcbC. Subjects were given intra-Amy aCSF or flupenthixol infusions and contra- or ipsi-lateral intra-AcbC infusions of aCSF or AP-5. Groups were given the following infusions: aCSF mice were given infusions of aCSF into both the Amy and AcbC. Mice in the Contra group were infused with flupenthixol (10 or 20 μg) into the Amy in one hemipshere, with AP-5 (0.05, 0.15, 0.5, or 1.0 μg) infused into the Acb in the opposite hemisphere. Ipsi mice were given intra-Amy infusions of flupenthixol (10 or 20 mg) and intra-Acb (0.05, 0.15, 0.5, or 1.0 μg) into the same hemisphere. Grid+ and Grid−conditioning subgroups N's are respectively: aCSF n = 14 and 15; Contra n = 10 and10; Ipsi n =12 and 12. Difference between conditioning subgroups Grid+ and Grid−: * = Bonferroni corrected ps < 0.05; *** = Bonferroni corrected ps < 0.001.