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. 2010 Jun 24;106(2):321–331. doi: 10.1093/aob/mcq111

Table 2.

Morphometric characteristics of the studied species and populations of the genus Nivenia

N. inaequalis
N. argentea Aasvoëlkraans
N. argentea Garcia
N. binata
N. corymbosa
N. fruticosa
Morph n Mean ± s.d. n Mean ± s.d. n Mean ± s.d. n Mean ± s.d. n Mean ± s.d. n Mean ± s.d.
Floral characteristics (mm)
Stamen height L 158 35·25 ± 4·74** 18 22·09 ± 1·64 166 20·91 ± 1·65** 39 13·73 ± 1·62* 102 12·24 ± 1·28** 54 22·51 ± 2·39
S 138 37·28 ± 3·84** 12 21·93 ± 1·18 120 23·14 ± 1·90** 15 16·05 ± 1·12* 104 19·89 ± 1·84**
Stigma height L 53 41·38 ± 2·95** 6 27·19 ± 1·84** 59 25·48 ± 2·02** 13 18·05 ± 1·76** 35 19·46 ± 2·20** 18 27·60 ± 2·87
S 47 30·90 ± 2·80** 4 13·62 ± 1·55** 41 15·41 ± 2·18** 5 12·03 ± 1·60** 52 10·68 ± 1·27**
Tube diameter L 53 02·80 ± 0·32 6 03·34 ± 0·44 59 03·00 ± 0·45 13 2·28 ± 0·20 35 02·51 ± 0·35 18 02·96 ± 0·58
S 47 02·81 ± 0·33 4 03·29 ± 0·34 41 03·03 ± 0·40 5 2·19 ± 0·23 52 02·49 ± 0·34
Tube length L 53 33·63 ± 3·31** 6 20·98 ± 1·62* 59 19·94 ± 1·65 13 10·95 ± 1·41 35 11·54 ± 1·37** 18 20·75 ± 2·20
S 47 32·28 ± 2·93** 4 17·90 ± 0·98* 41 19·42 ± 1·54 5 10·31 ± 0·82 52 12·43 ± 1·51**
Tepal limb length L 53 13·40 ± 1·66 6 11·11 ± 1·03 59 12·44 ± 1·49* 13 7·59 ± 0·92 35 09·41 ± 1·25 18 10·51 ± 1·05
S 47 13·47 ± 1·50 4 11·28 ± 0·89 41 11·70 ± 1·64* 5 7·64 ± 0·64 52 09·17 ± 1·55
Bract length L 53 23·56 ± 2·38 6 20·76 ± 2·95 59 20·88 ± 2·17 13 9·17 ± 0·86 35 5·41 ± 1·11 18 13·94 ± 1·04
S 47 22·83 ± 2·85 4 17·59 ± 3·40 41 20·02 ± 2·66 5 9·49 ± 0·86 50 5·73 ± 0·66
Anther length L 133 01·73 ± 0·24 18 01·88 ± 0·18** 164 02·22 ± 0·24** 13 1·89 ± 0·18 97 01·76 ± 0·17** 54 02·19 ± 0·18
S 65 01·80 ± 0·21 12 02·25 ± 0·20** 108 02·33 ± 0·34** 5 1·95 ± 0·17 94 01·94 ± 0·20**
Pollen characteristics in buds [n = number of anthers (number of flowers)]
Total no. of pollen grains per anther L 21 (7) 874·1 ± 184·9 15 (5) 2169·2 ± 322·4 21 (7) 2083·5 ± 209·1 21 (7) 2236·7 ± 405·5 30 (10) 787·3 ± 246·2
S 21 (7) 917·0 ± 228·1 12 (4) 2383·8 ± 275·4 21 (7) 2199·1 ± 360·6 21 (7) 2295·8 ± 387·3
Aborted pollen grains per anther L 21 (7) 12·1 ± 10·1 15 (5) 46·2 ± 44·5 21 (7) 111·8 ± 121·7 21 (7) 125·5 ± 219·1 30 (10) 142·5 ± 310·5
S 21 (7) 20·7 ± 21·5 12 (4) 32·8 ± 15·1 21 (7) 90·1 ± 74·3 21 (7) 29·2 ± 20·7
[n: number of grains (number of flowers)]
Pollen grain size (μm) L 525 (7) 53·35 ± 4·63** 375 (5) 45·81 ± 4·77** 525 (7) 42·81 ± 4·19** 225 (7) 42·77 ± 4·69** 525 (7) 39·81 ± 4·00** 750 (10) 55·34 ± 7·05
S 525 (7) 54·67 ± 4·92** 300 (4) 44·25 ± 4·45** 525 (7) 46·82 ± 4·39** 75 (7) 46·16 ± 3·66** 525 (7) 40·75 ± 4·48**

Approach herkogamous flowers were categorized as L, and reverse herkogamous as S. Morphs within populations were compared with a t-test, except that (a) comparisons within the populations of N. binata and N. argentea were performed with non-parametric test (Mann–Whitney) due the small sample size; (b) the number of aborted pollen grains was compared with ANCOVA considering the total number of grains per anther as a co-variable, except for N. binata and N. argentea, where the proportion of aborted pollen grains was compared with non-parametric test (Mann–Whitney).

Values in bold differ significantly between morphs (* P < 0·05, ** P < 0·001).