Figure 8. Brc1 recruitment to γH2A sites is partially dependent on Clr4.
(A) Spontaneous Brc1-GFP foci are reduced in clr4Δ mutants. Live cell microscopy of Brc1-GFP overexpressed using the nmt promoter in wild type, htaAQ, and clr4Δ cells. There is no foci formation in the htaAQ mutant. Graph shows quantitated foci in the indicated strains. (B) Brc1 binds at γH2A sites, and Brc1 association with the telomeres and centromeres is reduced in clr4Δ mutants. ChIP to sites of Brc1-GFP overexpressed from the nmt promoter at γH2A-sites in the indicated strains. Cell cultures were asynchronous. Primer locations were described in Figure 2C and Figure 5B.