Immunohistochemistry using specific antibodies against RFRP-3 (A) and GPR147 (B). RFRP ligand (A, green) was found around the nucleus of spermatocytes (Sc) and spermatids (Sd). GPR147 receptor (B, red) was found in myoid cells (Mi) along the edge of tubules, spermatocytes, and both round and elongated spermatids. Nuclei were stained by DAPI (blue or white color). For each label, controls are shown as follows: no primary antibody (upper left), preadsorption with corresponding antigenic peptide (upper middle), and preadsorption with related peptides (upper right). Lower left, Primary antibody [RFRP (A), GPR147 (B)]. Lower middle, High-power image of area outlined in lower left. Arrows indicate positively stained tubules (upper right) or cells (lower middle). The highlighted DAPI channel for cell nuclear staining is shown in the lower right. Adapted from Zhao et al., 2010