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. 2010 May 10;88(8):601–608. doi: 10.2471/BLT.09.069732

Table 1. Deaths and mortality rates among persons internally displaced to a demographic surveillance system area in western Kenya (2007–2008) and among regular residents of the area (1 January to 23 July 2007 and 1 January to 23 July 2008) .

Age group (in years) IDPs
DSS residents
IDP versus DSS 2007 mortality rate
IDP versus DSS 2008 mortality rate
No. of deaths Deaths per 10 000 persons per day Person–years of observation Mortality ratea Mortality ratea 2007 Mortality ratea 2008 RR 95% CI RR 95% CI
< 5b 37 0.81 1248 29.53 24.69 42.40 1.20 0.85–1.69 0.70 0.50–0.97
5–14 3 0.056 1466 2.05 2.28 2.61 0.90 0.28–2.87 0.78 0.25–2.48
15–49 49 0.37 3009 16.29 12.51 12.13 1.30 0.97–1.75 1.34 1.004–1.80
≥ 50 7 1.6 119 58.77 38.13 39.68 1.54 0.73–3.25 1.48 0.70–3.12
All ages 96 0.45 5869 16.36 15.11 18.14 1.08 0.88–1.33 0.90 0.74–1.11
SMRc 1.33 1.06–1.60 1.01 0.81–1.22

CI, confidence interval; DSS, demographic surveillance system; IDP, internally displaced person; RR, relative risk; SMR, standardized mortality ratio.

a Deaths per 1000 person–years of observation.

b Excludes both neonatal deaths and the person–time contribution of neonates (children ≤ 28 days old). Age stratum is 29 days to 59 months.

C Standardized mortality ratio calculated by the indirect method.