a, Experimental rationale. b, PCR of genomic DNA; 1,243bp product contains the intron; 342bp product indicates intron loss and retrotransposition. Lane 1, weight standards; Lane 2, hCNS-SCns transfected with JM111/L1RP; Lanes 3-5, three hCNS-SCns lines transfected with L1RP, Lane 6-7, primary astrocytes and fibroblasts transfected with L1RP; Lane 8, positive control; Lane 9, water. c, Southern blot of hCNS-SCns (line FBR-BR3); 2,547bp band represents plasmid; 1,645bp band is diagnostic for genomic insertion. d, Time course of L1 retrotransposition. e, EGFP-positive cells express Nestin and Sox2. f, EGFP-positive cells can differentiate to neurons (βIII tubulin and Map2a+2b positive). g, EGFP-positive cells can differentiate into glia (GFAP positive, βIII tubulin negative). Scale bar = 25 μm, arrows indicate co-labeled cell body; arrowheads indicate co-labeled processes.