Figure 2. L1 retrotransposition in hESC-derived NPCs.
a, Experimental rationale. b, L1 retrotransposition in H13B (top, LRE3-GFP) and H7 (bottom, LRE3-mneo1)-derived NPCs (BF = brightfield). G418-resistant foci can express progenitor (SOX3) and neuronal (βIII tubulin) markers. c, L1 5′ UTR is induced upon differentiation. d, H13B-derived NPCs express endogenous ORF1p. RNP= ribonucleoprotein particle samples; WCL= whole cell lysate. e-g, EGFP-positive, HUES6-derived NPCs express SOX2 and Nestin and can differentiate to be tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) positive. Scale bar = 25 μm. h, LRE-EGFP positive neuron from which (I)-(K) were obtained. Scale bar = 10 μm. i, Transient Na+ (asterisk) and sustained K+ currents (arrow) in response to voltage step depolarizations j, Suprathreshold responses to somatic current injections. k, Spontaneous action potentials (Vm = −50 mV). Arrows indicate cell soma co-localization; arrowheads indicate co-labeled processes.