Figure 3.
A. 15N-15N exchange spectrum used to assist in the assignment process of magnetically aligned Pf1 phage (500 MHz 1H field, 256 scans, 128 complex t1 points, 1 sec z-filter, 5 ms MMHH). Using the exchanged PISEMA spectra alone for spectral assignment may give rise to ambiguities when the main peaks have similar 1H-15N dipolar couplings, thus the crosspeaks are produced near the location of the main peaks. As an illustrative example, sequential assignments of fig. 1a for residues A21 through I26 are validated using the 15N-15N crosspeaks. B. 15N-15N exchange spectra acquired without using the MMHH block with 1 sec exchange time (z-filter). Many of the cross peaks of fig. 3a are missing from the spectrum.