(a) Temperature dependence of θ for PET and gold substrates. Error bars indicate
the variance of a number of (about 20) independent measurements of the wetting angle.
Curves are the results of the fitting of the following function:
θ=cos−1 (At−1), where
A=ΔγS/γ0. For PET, A=0.0193±0.0007
and for gold,
A=0.0085±0.0007. The wetting transition temperature Tw is
estimated as Tw=219.6 K for the PET substrate. θ for the
gold substrate also
decreases to zero while approaching TSD. For the gold substrate, Tw
is estimated as 217 K, slightly above TSD. Phase-contrast microscopy
images of the wetting behaviour of liquid II at various temperatures are shown for the
PET (b) and gold
substrate (c). Scale bars correspond to 10 μm.