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Table 1.

Model predictors for allograft rejection

Variable Risk ratio Standard Error P>|z| 95% confidence limits
Age (years) 0.993 0.002 0.009 .9894094 .9985157
Immediate graft function 0.782 0.101 0.060 .6065589 1.009974
Azathioprine/MMF 1.159 0.118 0.147 .9493317 1.416481
PRA> 50% + Prednisolone 0.595 0.104 0.003 .4221672 .8384729
Number of HLA-matches 0.944 0.023 0.016 .9004449 .9894315
Glucose (mmol/L) 1.015 0.004 0.000 1.008164 1.022061