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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2010 Jul 26.
Published in final edited form as: Proteomics. 2006 Dec;6(23):6326–6353. doi: 10.1002/pmic.200600284

Table 2.

Putative biomarkers for human cancers discovered by serum proteome analysis

Cancer type Candidate marker Proteomics platform Reference
Lung Protein gene product 9.5 (tumor antigen) 2-DE/MS [146]
Alpha-HG, hepatocyte growth factor MALDI-TOF-MS/ELISA [147]
11 493, 6429, 8245, 5335, and 2538 Da SELDI-TOF-MS [148]
Ig lambda chain, TTR, HG-alpha 2, two isoforms of serum amyloid protein, apolipoprotein A-I fragment 2-DE/MALDI-TOF-MS [149]
CRP, SAA, mucin 1, and AIAT Antibody array [119]
Phosphoglycerate kinase 1 (prediction outcome) 2-DE/MS, ELISA, expression microarray, tissue microarray [150]
Autoantibodies against annexins I and II, IL6 2-DE/Western blotting, MALDI-TOF-MS [152]
Liver Pro-Apolipoprotein, A2HSG apolipoprotein A-IV, carboxy terminal fragment of albumin (down-regulated); leucine-rich alpha-2-glycoprotein, A1AT, A2MG, HG Hp2, HG precursor, serum paraoxonase, complement C3 and complement C4A (up-regulated) 2-DE/MALDI-TOF-TOF [153]
5808, 8936, 9509, and 11 707 (m/z) SELDI-TOF-MS [154]
GP73 Lectin extraction, 2-DE/LC-MS/MS, Immunoblotting [155]
GP73 Immunoblotting [156]
(19 proteins were found to be hyperfucosylated in cancer) Fc-Hemopexin, Fc-GP73d, Fc-HBsAge, Fc-AFP, Fc-A1AG, Fc-A1ACT, Fc-A1AT, Fc-Serotransferrin, Fc-Ceruloplasmin, Fc-A2MG, Fc-A2HSG, Fc-HG, Fc-Fibrinogen gamma chain precursor (P)4, Fc-Complement factor B, Fc-IgG, Fc-IgA, Fc-APO-D, Fc-Ig M, and Fc-Kininogen Lectin extraction, 2-DE/LC-MS/MS, immunoblotting [157]
Carboxy terminal fragment of complement C3, apolipoprotein A1 isoform 2-DE/MALDI-TOF-MS [158]
C-terminal part of the V10 fragment of vitronectin (8900 Da) SELDI-TOF-MS [159]
AFP glycoforms IEF/ESI-MS [161]
AFP glycoforms HPLC- MALDI-TOF-MS [162]
Breast 4.3, 8.1, and 8.9 kDa SELDI-TOF-MS [87]
HSP27 (up-regulated), 14-3-3 sigma (down-regulated) 2-DE/MALDI-TOF-MS [163]
HCRR oncoprotein ELISA, MALDI-TOF-MS [164]
4.3, 8.1, and 8.9 kDa, complement component C3a, C-terminal-truncated form of C3a SELDI-TOF-MS [165]
8138 and 5909 (m/z) SELDI-TOF-MS [166]
A1ACT, clusterin, complement factor B (up-regulated); A1AT (down-regulated) 2-DE/MALDI-TOF-MS, ELISA [168]
Colon HNP 1-3 SELDI-TOF-MS [169]
17 247, 18 420, 5911, 9294, 4654, 21 694, 21 742, 5911, 8922, 8944, and 8817 (m/z) SELDI-TOF-MS [170]
5911, 8930, 8817, and 4476 (m/z) SELDI-TOF-MS [171]
Nicotinamide N-methyltransferase 2-DE/MALDI-TOF-MS [172]
Cancer-associated glycoform of HG SDS-PAGE/blotting with biotinylated galectin-3 [173]
2023.2, 3158.7, 3816.2, 4300.3, and 16 961.4 (m/z, up-regulated); 11 080.6 and 15 526.2 (m/z, down-regulated) SELDI-TOF-MS [174]
Defensin alpha 6 2-DE, ELISA [175]
MMP9 1-DE, 2-DE, immunoblotting [176]
Prostate Precursor forms of free PSA Immunosorption, MALDI-TOF-MS, ESI-QTOF-MS [177]
Prostate-specific membrane antigen SELDI-TOF-MS, ProteinChip with immobilized anti-PSMA antibody [178]
4475, 5074, 5382, 7024, 7820, 8141, 9149, 9507, and 9656 (m/z) SELDI-TOF-MS [85]
2092, 2367, 2582, 3080, 4819, 5439, and 18 220 (m/z) SELDI-TOF-MS [86]
16 087, 25 167, and 4283 (m/z) SELDI-TOF-MS [181]
15.2, 15.9, 17.5 kDa SELDI-TOF-MS [182]
Serum von Willebrand factor, IgM, A1ACT, villin and IgG Antibody array [117]
Autoantibodies signatures against 22 phage peptides Phage protein array [125]
QTOF-MS, weak cation exchange ProteinChip [184]
Apolipoprotein A-II isoform (8946, m/z) SELDI-TOF-MS, HPLC, GE, MS/MS [186]
Platelet factor 4 (7771, m/z) C18 prefractionation, multidimensional LC, 2-DE, MALDI-TOF-MS, ELISA [187]
3700, 3904, 3978, 4300, 5085, 5923, 6250, 6569, 6652, 7121, 7782, 7850, 7991, 9503, 15 265, 15 878, 16 003, and 16 068 SELDI-TOF-MS [188]
2.68 and 10.3 kDa (up-regulated); 17.9, 10.8, and 12.7 kDa (down-regulated) SELDI-TOF-MS [189]
Free PSA, total PSA, low-molecular-weight free PSA elements 2-DE [190]
free PSA, free PSA subforms, total PSA Immunoadsorption, 2-DE [191]
Ovarian 534, 989, 2111, 2251, and 2465 (m/z) SELDI-TOF-MS [83]
HG-alpha subunit SELDI-TOF-MS, affinity chromatography, LC-MS/MS [192]
Neoplasia biomarkers: 4.1, 4.4, 7.7, 15.1, 15.9, 18.9, 23.0, 30.1, and 53.5 kDa (up-regulated), 12.9 kDa (down-regulated); Malignant neoplasia biomarkers: 3.1, 4.5, 5.1, 7.8, 8.2, 16.9, and 18.6 kDa (up-regulated), 13.9, 21.0, 28.0, 79.0, 93.0, and 106.7 kDa (down- regulated) SELDI-TOF-MS [84]
Calgranulin A, B 2-DE/LC-MS/MS [193]
Fibrinopeptide-A Nano-LC-ESI-TOF-MS, FT-ICR MS [195]
SAA1 and its N-terminal arginine-truncated form 2-DE, LC-MS/MS [196]
TTR, RBP, and CRP ELISA, immunoprecipitation, MALDI-TOF-MS [197]
Intact and cleaved human Kallikrein11 Immunoaffinity chromatography, RP-LC, N-terminal sequencing, ELISA [198]
Apolipoprotein A1, a truncated form of TTR (down-regulated), a cleavage fragment of inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain H4 (up-regulated) SELDI-TOF-MS [199]
Leukemia Rho-GDI2 autoantibodies 2-DE/MALDI-TOF-MS/Western blotting/Immunoprecipitation [200]
An 11.7 kDa fragment of alpha-trypsin inhibitor, two contiguous fragments (19.9 and 11.9 kDa) of HG-2 SELDI, LC-MS/MS [201]
A2HSG, complement-associated protein SP-40, RBP4 gene product, lipoprotein C-III, an unknown protein (down-regulated); Ig heavy-chain variant, proteosome 26S ATPase subunit 1, and HG-1 (up-regulated) 2-DE/LC-MS/MS/LC-QTOF-MS [202]
PARC/CCL18 (chemokine) 2-DE/LC-MS [203]
Melanoma MALDI-TOF-MS [204]
7568, 7938, 11 397, 11 686, 11 975, 13 874, 14 620, 15 158, and 15 880 (m/z) MALDI-TOF-MS [206]
DJ-1 oncoprotein 2-DE/MS [207]
Head and neck MALDI-TOF-MS [208]
Metallopanstimulin-1 SELDI-TOF-MS immunoassay [209]
Metallopanstimulin Immunoprecipitation, Western blotting [210]
SAA, amyloid related serum protein, HG 2-DE/MALDI-TOF-MS [211]
Two isoforms of SAA SELDI-TOF-MS/QTOF-MS [212]
Loss of clusterin 2-DE/MALDI-TOF-MS/RT-PCR/Western blotting [213]
Pancreatic CRP, A1AT, SAA, IgA, protein-induced vitamin K antagonist-II (up-regulated); plasma gelsolin (down-regulated) Antibody array [118]
Apolipoprotein E, A1ACT, inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor DIGE/MALDI-TOF/TOF-MS [214]
Anti-DDX48 autoantibodies 2-DE/LC-MS/MS [217]
SAA, A1AT, A1ACT, inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor SPE/MALDI-TOF-MS [218]
3885, 3967, and 8929 m/z SELDI-TOF-MS [220]
Hepatocarcinoma-intestine-pancreas/pancreatitis-associated-protein I SELDI-TOF-MS/ELISA [221]
Brain Pattern based on 274 peptides MALDI-TOF-MS, magnetic particle-based format [59]
Gastric 3946, 3503, and 15 958 Da SELDI-TOF-MS [223]
Thrombin light chain A SELDI-TOF-MS/MALDI-TOF-MS/QTOF-MS [224]
Cathepsin B (up-regulated) 2-DE/Western blotting/immunohistochemistry [225]
HG, SAA 2-DE/MS [226]
7567, 15 117, 15 326, 15 847, 7934, 4524, 8052, 6982, and 4714 Da (up-regulated); 5252, 2675, 5546, 5340, 4177, 3 995, and 3245 Da (down-regulated) SELDI-TOF-MS [227]
Renal 3900, 4107, 4153, 5352, and 5987 Da SELDI-TOF-MS [228]
Serum amyloid alpha, and its des-Arginine and des-Arginine/des-Serine variants at the N-terminus SELDI-TOF-MS [229]
SAA, CRP (up-regulated) (after four doses of IL-2) SELDI immunoaffinity capture [230]
4151 and 8968 (m/z) SELDI-TOF-MS [231]
Multiple variants of serum amyloid alpha SELDI-TOF-MS [232]
Testicle Germ cell specific isoenzyme of alkaline phosphatase (GCAP) 2-DE, ion-exchange chromatography, and Western blotting [233]