Fig. 5. Baicalein inhibits fibril formation and beta sheet conversion of E46K α-synuclein.
(A) Thioflavin T assay reveals a concentration-dependent inhibition of 482 nm fluorescence in the presence of baicalein. (B) 90° static light scattering follows the increase in particle size over time (C, D) Far UV CD spectra of E46K α-synuclein in the presence or absence of baicalein collected on day 1 (C) and day 22 (D), follows conformational changes associated with E46K fibril formation, and the effect of baicalein on these changes. (E) Comparison of beta-sheet structure of E46K, as evident by a negative 218 nm peak, in the presence of increasing concentrations of baicalein. Green: E46K, Blue: E46K + 0.1 μM baicalein, Light red: E46K + 1 μM baicalein, Red: E46K+10μM baicalein.