Figure 5. The decay of IPSCs was slower during early lactation in OT and VP neurones.
A, superimposed traces of monoquantal, mIPSCs from OT neurones in slices taken from a virgin (left) and early-lactating rat (right). Inset: In the inset, traces from each set are averaged, and the averaged traces scaled to the peak and superimposed. Note the longer decay of mIPSCs in the OT neurone from the lactating rat (black trace, arrow). B, superimposed traces of monoquantal, mIPSCs from VP neurones in slices taken from a virgin (left) and early-lactating rat (right). Inset: In the inset, traces from each set are averaged, and the averaged traces scale to the peak and superimposed. Note the longer decay of mIPSCs in the VP neurone from the lactating rat (black trace, arrow). C, Left Panel: the decay tau of mIPSCs in OT neurones is significantly slower in early-lactating (Days 2–6) compared to virgin rats. Numbers represent the number of neurones for which averaged mIPSCs were taken (*p = 0.0045). Right Panel: mIPSC amplitudes in OT neurones were not significantly different in virgin compared to lactating rats. D, Left Panel: the decay tau of mIPSCs is significantly slower in VP neurones in early-lactating (Days 2–6) compared to virgin rats. Numbers represent the number of neurones for which averaged mIPSCs were taken (*p = 0.0041). Right panel: mIPSC amplitudes in VP neurones were not significantly different in virgin compared to lactating rats. Modified with permission from Li (115).