Figure 5. Long-chain acyl-carnitines were reduced in Acsl1A−/− brown adipose tissue.
A,B,C) Free, acetyl-, and acyl-carnitine content in BAT with and without cold exposure at 4°C. D) Lactate and, E,F) Citric acid cycle intermediates, G,H) short-chain acyl-CoA, I) amino acids, and J) total amino acid content in BAT with and without 4°C exposure, n=7. DC, dicarboxylated acyl-carnitines; OH, hydroxylated acyl-carnitines; Asx, aspartate/asparagine; Gsx, glutamate/glutamine. Data represent mean ± SEM *, P≤0.05 versus control; # P≤0.05 21°C versus 4°C within genotype (n=6–10).