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. 2010 Aug;45(4):1041–1060. doi: 10.1111/j.1475-6773.2010.01124.x

Table 4.

Difference-in-Differences Generalized Linear Model (GLM) Estimates of Health Care Spending between HSA and Traditional Plan Enrollees

Variables Total Spending Medical Spending Pharmacy Spending
HSA×Post −0.0459* −0.0384 −0.0626***
(0.0277) (0.0370) (0.0199)
Post 0.0956*** 0.0930*** 0.105***
(0.0253) (0.0339) (0.0151)
HSA −0.0676 −0.0398 −0.147***
(0.0483) (0.539) (0.0481)
Year 0.0685*** 0.0873*** 0.0100
(0.0130) (0.0171) (0.00988)
Region (Midwest reference)
Northeast −0.0192 −0.0118 −0.0359
(0.0475) (0.0600) (0.0386)
South −0.0411 −0.0691* 0.0407
(0.0305) (0.0384) (0.0311)
Unknown −1.234*** −1.263*** −1.147***
(0.0548) (0.132) (0.342)
West −0.0541 −0.0378 −0.111**
(0.0533) (0.0634) (0.0513)
Female 0.761*** 0.901*** 0.246***
(0.0539) (0.0601) (0.0921)
Age 0.0379*** 0.0378*** 0.0384***
(0.00138) (0.00168) (0.00161)
Female × Age −0.0103*** −0.0127*** −0.00112
(0.00127) (0.00143) (0.00182)
Firm size (100s) 0.000220 0.000197 0.000661
(0.00142) (0.00167) (0.00181)
Type (Full replace reference)
Add-on (fully insured) −0.111** −0.0746 −0.210***
(0.0461) (0.0465) (0.0616)
Add-on (ASO) −0.0115 0.0517 −0.191**
(0.0610) (0.0620) (0.0829)

Notes. N=228,930. Log-link used in GLM specification. Regressions also controls for 2005 plan type dummies (EPO, HMO, indemnity, POS, PPO) and 1-digit SIC dummies. Robust standard errors (clustered at firm level) in parentheses.







ASO, administrative services only; HSA, health savings account; HMO, health maintenance organization; POS, point of service; PPO, preferred provider organization.