Figure 3.
Examples of permutation schemes. In the top panel a binding profile in which two factors, A (red) and B (blue), bind at four different locations yielding two overlapped clusters. The colour of outlines indicate how that location can be assigned. A location outlined in black can only be assigned once. Red and blue outlines indicate that location can be assigned to A or B respectively. Assignments are without replacement, i.e. multiple assignments of the same location to the same factor are not permitted. Asterisks show where an overlap is scored. Examples of the combinations that arise from different schemes are shown. (a) Permutation: all locations are assigned to either A or B but not both. No locations are left unassigned. Overlaps can only occur where overlaps have been observed before. (b) Independent assignment. All locations can be assigned to either A or B or both factors. Previously unobserved overlaps arise when the same location is assigned to both factors. (c) Hybrid: Locations previously observed to be involved in co-occurrences can only be assigned to A or B but not both. Singletons can be freely assigned to either factor or both factors.