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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2010 Jul 27.
Published in final edited form as: J Mol Biol. 2003 Apr 11;327(5):1093–1109. doi: 10.1016/s0022-2836(03)00216-x

Table 2.

Crystallographic statistics

A. Crystal information
Space group P6122
Matthews coefficient 3.24 (2 molecules/asymmetric unit)
Solvent content (%) ,62
B. Data collection (values in parentheses refer to the high-resolution shell)
Data set Native Pt Hg NGT complex IFG complex
Unit cell dimensions (Å) a = b = 112.47, c = 397.87 a = b = 111.52, c = 398.23 a = b = 111.70, c = 396.80 a = b = 112.40, c = 397.23 a = b = 112.39, c = 397.30
Wavelength (Å) 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.900 0.900
Resolution range (Å) 35.0–2.40 35.0–3.00 35.0–2.90 37.0–2.50 35.0–2.20
High-resolution (Å) 2.44–2.40 3.05–3.00 2.95–2.90 2.57–2.50 2.26–2.20
Total observations 2,772,717 800,088 769,328 784,049 1,153,759
Unique reflections 58,844 (2894) 33,068 (1460) 30,367 (1644) 52,315 (4235) 74,245 (6161)
I/σ〉 21.9 (4.89) 22.9 (7.73) 20.8 (6.31) 23.2 (5.08) 22.3 (4.93)
Completenessa (%) 99.5 (99.7) 99.5 (99.9) 97.0 (98.6) 99.7 (100.0) 99.4 (100.0)
Rsymb 0.090 (0.314) 0.071 (0.272) 0.081 (0.314) 0.077 (0.367) 0.094 (0.457)
Risoc 0.207 (0.209) 0.175 (0.199)
Heavy-atom sites 2 2
Phasing power
 Centric 0.46 0.48
 Acentric 0.55 0.52
Overall figure of merit
 Solve 0.29 (Overall Z-score = 14.75)
 Resolve 0.57 (with 2-fold non-crystallographic symmetry restraints)
C. Refinement
Rworkd 0.201 0.202 0.193
Rfreed 0.231 0.229 0.218
Number of atoms
Protein 7762 7762 7762
Heterogen 79 107 107
Water 226 244 321
Average B2) 25.1 24.2 20.9
r.m.s.d. from ideal geometry
Bond lengths (Å) 0.011 0.009 0.011
Bond angles (deg.) 1.59 1.56 1.57
Ramachandran plote
Most favored (%) 91.7 91.0 91.6
Additionally allowed (%) 8.3 9.0 8.4

Calculated by treating Bijvoet pairs as equivalent.


Rsym = Σh Σi (|Ii(h) − 〈I(h)〉|)/Σh Σi Ii(h), where Ii(h) is the ith intensity measurement and 〈I(h)〉 is the weighted mean of all measurements of I(h).


Riso = Σh ||F(h)deriv| − |F(h)native||/|F(h)native|


Rwork and Rfree = Σh ||F(h)obs | − |F(h)calc ||/|F(h)obs| for reflections in the working and test sets (5% of all data), respectively.


Regions defined by PROCHECK.79