Figure 1.
JNK1/2 inhibition blocks hyperglycemia-induced iNOS mRNA expression. iNOS or eNOS mRNA levels were determined by RT-PCR and normalized by β-actin mRNA. A) E7 mouse conceptuses were cultured under euglycemic (150 mg/dl glucose) and hyperglycemic (300 mg/dl) conditions in the presence or absence of 800 nM SP600125 for 24h. Levels of iNOS mRNA were determined in yolk sacs of cultured conceptuses. Hyper: hyperglycemia; Hyper+SP: hyperglycemia plus SP600125. B) E7 mouse conceptuses were cultured under euglycemic (150 mg/dl glucose) and hyperglycemic (300 mg/dl) conditions for 24h and 48h. eNOS mRNA were determined in yolk sacs. Data expressed as Mean ± standard errors (SE) (n=3). * denotes significant difference (p<0.05) with other groups when analyzed by one-way ANOVA and Tukey test.