Figure 1.
Suppression of the lrx1 Root Hair Phenotype by Mutations in rol5.
Seedlings were grown for 5 d ([A] to [E]) and 10 d (F) in a vertical orientation. The wild type (A) developed regular root hairs, whereas root hairs of the lrx1 mutant (B) were severely deformed. The EMS missense allele rol5-1 (C) was complemented with a ROL5 genomic clone, inducing an lrx1-like phenotype (D). The rol5-2 T-DNA knockout mutant (E) also suppressed the lrx1 mutant phenotype. The rol5 mutation (F) leads to shorter roots as shown for rol5-1. Bars = 0.5 mm in (A) to (E) and 10 mm in (F).