Figure 10.
EOBII Activates IGS and PAL Promoters.
Arabidopsis protoplasts were cotransformed with 35S-driven EOBII (35Spro:EOBII) together with DsRed driven by the petunia IGS promoter (IGSpro:DsRed) ([G] to [I]) or with DsRed driven by tobacco PALB promoter (PALpro:DsRed) ([M] to [O]). As controls, protoplasts were cotransformed with IGS:DsRed together with 35S:GFP ([A] to [C]), with Solanum lycopersicum MYBAA driven by 35S (35Spro:MYBAA) ([D] to [F]), or with PALpro:DsRed together with 35Spro:MYBAA ([J] to [L]). Bright-field images are shown in panels (A), (D), (G), (J), and (M); DsRed signal is shown in (B), (E), (H), (K), and (N); and GFP signal in (C), (F), (I), (L), and (O). Bar = 50 μm.