Percentage of damage induced by PMNs on C. albicans resuspended biofilms (dark bars) and planktonic cells (stripped bars). PMNs were added at effector cell: target ratios (E:T) ranging from 1:10 to 10:1 and were incubated with resuspended biofilms or planktonic cells for 2 h. Columns represent means ± SEs (error bars) of values derived from 5 experiments performed on different days. Differences in damage between resuspended biofilms and planktonic cells at each E:T ratio, as evaluated with Student t test, were not significant (panel A).
Oxidation of DHR-123 of PMNs in response to culture supernatants of C. albicans resuspended biofilms (dark bars) and planktonic cells (stripped bars) after incubation for 2 or 22 h (panel B). PMA stimulated phagocytes for >80% DHR-123 oxidation (open bars). Differences in oxidation between resuspended biofilms and planktonic cells after incubation for 2 or 22 h, as evaluated with Student t test, were not significant.