Figure 2.
Damage induced by human PMNs and/or ANID (panel A), MNCs and/or ANID (panel B), PMNs and/or VRC (panel C) or MNCs and/or VRC (panel D) after incubation at 37°C for 22 h against C. albicans biofilms (open bars) or planktonic cells (stripped bars) at different E:T ratios. The values are means ± standard error (SE) of 6-8 experiments. Each experiment with PMNs was conducted with PMNs of one donor and by use of triplicate or quadruplicate wells for each condition. The mean value of the replicate wells was considered as the value of that particular donor and experiment. The means of the replicate wells of each experiment were then used in the data analysis to calculate the mean ± SE for all the experiments conducted under the same conditions.
The result of the damage induced by the combination of human phagocytes (PMNs or MNCs) and ANID was compared to the result of human phagocytes (PMNs or MNCs) or ANID alone by analysis of variance with Dunnett test.
† denotes that the combined effect of PMNs (at 1:1 and 5:1 ratio) with ANID (at 0.12 mg/L) on biofilms was additive on biofilms (P < .001 vs the two components) (panel A).
* Differences between biofilm and planktonic conditions (P <.05).