RNG140 is a paralog of RNG105 that is conserved in vertebrates. A, schematic diagram showing the domain structures of RNG105, RNGI, and RNG140 from the indicated organisms. The gray shadow shows highly conserved region among them. NLS, nuclear localization signal; NES, nuclear export signal; E-rich, glutamic acid-rich region; Q-rich, glutamine-rich region; C1q, C1q-related domain. B, a dendrogram of RNG105, RNGI, and RNG140 from the indicated organisms. C, alignment of the highly conserved region from RNG105, RNGI, and RNG140. Black boxes indicate identities; gray boxes, similarity. Colored amino acids are predicted to form the basic helices. Two basic helices are contained in the highly conserved region. Blue, basic; red, acidic; green, hydrophobic amino acids. Numbers indicate residue numbers. Hs, H. sapiens; Dr, D. rerio; Ci, C. intestinalis; Sp, S. purpuratus; Dm, D. melanogaster; and Am, A. mellifera. D, Schiffer-Edmundson wheel diagrams for the two basic helices. Numbers indicate the amino acid residues of human RNG105. The size of the amino acid letters corresponds to their frequency among the eight sequences in C. Blue, basic; red, acidic; green, hydrophobic amino acids (aa).