Figure 1. Sample sizes required to reach 80% power to detect an association when different number of markers are tested.
The total number of patients (white bars) or case-parent trios (black bars) required to reach a power of 80% are shown. A genetic factor is assumed, with an effect similar to that of the C509T polymorphism of the TGFβ1 gene in CF-associated lung disease: a 0.34 allele frequency acting recessively with an odds ratio of 2 (Drumm et al. 2005). For the patient samples, it is assumed that the phenotype of interest is present in 50% of the individuals and absent in the remaining 50%. For the trio samples, all patients are assumed to have the phenotype. The program Genetic Power Calculator (Purcell et al. 2003) was used with a Bonferroni correction for multiple testing.